Prima, donna. Margaret Bourke-White

An exhibition dedicated to Margaret Bourke-White, one of the most representative and emblematic figures of photojournalism.
Dedicated to Margaret Bourke-White, one of the most representative and iconic women in photojournalism, this exhibition shows more than 100 images of the American photographer's unconventional vision and life.
A pioneer of information and image, Margaret Bourke-White has explored every area of photography: From the first images dedicated to the world of industry and corporate projects, to the great reportages for major publications such as Fortune and Life; from the visual chronicles of the Second World War, to the famous portraits of first Stalin and then Gandhi (met during the reportage on the birth of the new India and portrayed shortly before his death); from the South Africa of apartheid, to the America of racial conflicts to the thrill of aerial visions of the American continent.
More than 100 images from the Life archive in New York divided into 11 thematic groups that, in a chronological view, trace the thread of Margaret Bourke-White's existential path and show her visionary and narrative capacity, capable of composing dense and dazzling photographic "stories".
Sections of the exhibition:
- first section, L'incanto delle acciaierie, shows Margaret's early industrial work;
- second section, Conca di polvere, documents the social work carried out by the photographer during the years of the Great Depression in the South of the USA;
- third section, LIFE, dedicated to her long collaboration with the legendary American magazine LIFE;
- Section four, Sguardi sulla Russia, covers the period when Margaret Bourke-White documented the five-year plan in the Soviet Union;
- fifth section, Sul fronte dimenticato: Gli anni della guerra, recounts when the first military uniform for a woman war correspondent was designed for her;
- sixth section, Nei Campi, witnesses the horror at the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp (1945);
- seventh section, India, collects the long reportage made by the photographer at the time of India's independence and its separation from Pakistan;
- eighth section, South Africa, offers documentation of the great African country during Apartheid;
- the ninth section, Voci del Sud bianco, features a 1956 colour work devoted to the theme of segregationism in the American South;
- tenth section, In alto e a casa, brings together some of the most significant aerial images made by the photographer during her lifetime;
- The eleventh section, La mia misteriosa malattia, is a series of images documenting her last, strenuous struggle with Parkinson's disease.
The exhibition is accompanied by Storie di fotografe e di immagini, a cycle of meetings and discussions open to the public on the themes of photography and female identity.
From September 21, 2021 OPENING to the public at 14.00
to February 27, 2022 Extended until 30 Avril 2022
From Tuesday to Sunday 10.00-20.00
Last admission one hour before closing time
Monday, 25 December, 1 January
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES
Tel. 060608 (daily from 9.00 to 19.00)
Promoted by
Roma Culture
Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Zètema Progetto Cultura
In collaboration with
Digital Imaging Partner
With the contrbution of
Forma. Fondazione Forma per la fotografia
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