Cinque Donne (Pêncjin)

A projection of the video called Cinque Donne (Pêncjin) made by the artist Begoña Zubero as a related activity in addition to the photographic exhibition hosted at the NEEEV. Non è esotico, è vitale. Fotografie di Begoña Zubero
Presented last 8 March during the International Women's Day, the video is projected on a continuous playback loop in the multimedia room of the Museo di Roma in Trastevere.
This project was made during her residence at the Moving Artists Foundation in Iraq and documents the lives of five women in Iraqi Kurdistan, working women who run their businesses in an environment that is adverse to the development of women's working conditions.
One of them is Amina, who runs the only remaining hammam in Sulaymaniyya and through this work has now raised her six children after becoming a widow. Her children include Ashna, a young lawyer whose small law firm she and Sakar have just opened. Shene has a workshop-bar where she makes and distributes donuts, which she first made at home and then sold through Instagram. The success gave her the opportunity to open the shop where four people are now employed. Shler is the owner of a driving school, and she personally takes care of the truck-driving lessons for the mainly male customers. Rwbar has a classical dance academy that has presented her with several problems with the community, where she is also an active cultural player.
Starting with an interview format, the video combines their opinions with frames describing their work activities, with particular importance being paid to statements about everyday life.
The 30-minute video is in Kurdish with Italian subtitles.
Every Sunday until 22 May 2022
From 14.30 to 19.00
Last admission one hour before closing time
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES
Tel. 060608 (daily from 9.00 to 19.00)
The exhibition is promoted by Roma Culture - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and the Embassy of Spain in Italy.
Museum services by Zètema Progetto Cultura.
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